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BRC Day Spa & Sauna Resort

BRC Day Spa, located in New Jersey, needed a new website to replace their existing dated one (see screenshot below). The new site was developed in WordPress with a heavy emphasis on graphics and location photography to showcase the decor and services of BRC Day Spa.

The new site makes use of the LayerSlider plugin to create a beautiful, responsive, full-width slider on the homepage with various text effects. A drop-down navigation menu is used to organize the many different facilities and services offered.


Facility pages feature a simple jQuery based slider to display a variety of images about the specific facility; while menu pages feature a jQuery based accordian to easily display the different menu items within one clean page while minimizing the need for a user to scroll. A weather widget is featured on the sidebar of all pages as-well showing the local weather around BRC Day Spa.

brc-spa-content-page-sliders brc-spa-menus

Gift Cards and packages can be purchased right from the site featuring a PHP based shopping cart which submits via the PayPal API. When no item is added into someones shopping cart the cart is hidden from view. Upon pressing the “Add to Cart” the product name and price are displayed in a “Your Shopping Cart” section in the sidebar.


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